28 February 2016

Abarax - Journey's End

I'm partial to whales (who would have thunk ~ considering the avatar :o) so getting the album "Crying of the Whales" by Abrax (or here) was a no-brainer. It was a good decision: the longer I listen the more I want to hear. "Journey's End" is the track that most reminds me of a memorable and fascinating encounter I had with those gentle giants of the sea ...

Journey's done from shore to shore
We are tired now, don't want to run no more
All we want is to have a rest
We gave it all, we've done our best

Please, please forgive them, for they know not, not what they do
Pitiful little creatures alive on earth, they are to new
No thought for tomorrow, no only, only just one way
They think, think of nothing, think of nothing but today

Journey's done from shore to shore
We're tired now, don't want to run no more
All we want is to have a rest
We gave it all, yes we've done our best

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