29 January 2016

28 January 2016

Jethro Tull - Bourée

I guess I could talk about Johann Sebastian Bach and his works, or about Ian Anderson during and after his time with Jethro Tull. But tonight I just feel like listening to - and drowning in - Ian Anderson's rendition of J. S. Bach's "Bourée

22 January 2016

Kiri Te Kanawa - Tarakihi

The first time I heard Kiri Te Kanawa was when she sang Handel’s “Let the bright Seraphim” at the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer. Since I wasn’t much of an opera fan at the time that might have been it, but I remembered her name years later when I saw notice of a documentary about the recording of Leonard Bernstein conducting the West Side Story starring, among others, Kiri Te Kanawa and Jose Carreras. Simply awesome! Then she released an album with Maori Songs. I was hooked! - that was it: the joy, the rhythm, the melody, the  voice, all came together.

19 January 2016

Adele - Rumor Has It


A hard and heavy, steady rhythm pushing the melody and the lyrics forward throughout the song. But that’s just one of the reasons why I like it so much. There’s also Adele ’s voice which draws you in and wraps around you, and then there’s the lyrics which are so utterly “Been there, done that, got the t-shirt and wore it to rags …”

17 January 2016

George Winston - Moon

The weather forecast promises snow – finally. There’s been the occasional flake forecast around ten days out for the last two months but the closer the date came the forecast tuned to warmer temperatures and rain or to colder days with sunshine. I’ve decided to put my trust in the two days of snow forecast and have started stocking up on music – starting with George Winston, quoted by Wikipedia as having stated
Every song I've ever heard, that has gone in and stayed in me, has always reminded me of a season. A picture and a place, maybe, but always a season.

14 January 2016

Bruce Springsteen - Born In The U.S.A.

This page is about music, certainly not politics. But then, sometimes, music touches on politics and there’s no getting around scraping the issue.

Not that I believe all I hear on the news, but this sounds just wrong enough to be true: Donald Trump is playing Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the U.S.A.” at his rallies as a swipe at his co-contender Ted Cruz. … What’s wrong with this picture? Anybody? Anything?
To me, the song is anything but glorious or patriotic.

07 January 2016

Bob Seger - Turn The Page

The radio alarm went off at the usual much too early hour. It normally takes about 30 minutes before my brain is lucid enough to process the need to get up and prepare for the new day. Not that time, though. The song playing on the radio grabbed my attention and wouldn’t let go. I didn’t know the voice that was singing or the song but the “Here I am, on the road again …” stayed with me throughout the day.
In the evening I went to pick up my friend Carry, we were planning to meet up with her husband David and some other friends for a movie night. “Here I am, on the road again …” was still playing in my mind and the first thing I asked her was whether she knew the song.

05 January 2016

Paolo Conte - Max

I never even attempted to translate the lyrics. To me this song is all about the rhythm, the progression and the melody - not to forget about the piano and Paolo Conte's voice. I just wished it would go on longer ...

Max era Max
Più tranquillo che mai,
La sua lucidità
Smettila, Max,
La tua facilità
Non semplifica, Max.

Non si spiega,
Fammi scendere, Max
Vedo un segreto
Avvicinarsi qui, Max

04 January 2016

Karl Jenkins - Adiemus

The first working day of the new year has progressed and the evening hours call for quiet time. Adiemus by Welsh composer Karl Jenkins just hits the spot: music to sit back, relax and refuel for the week to come.

03 January 2016

Kitaro - Matsuri (live)

My parents weren’t big on letting their pre-teen kids watch TV, and bedtimes were adamantly set and to be observed. Of course, any exception such as allowing us to watch ‘adult’ TV on occasion made those TV programs extra special. One of those exceptions was “The Silk Road: The Rise and Fall of Civilizations” which aired way past my then bedtime.
I have to admit that I don’t recall too much of the documentary (I’ll have to search the web – I sure would love to see it again). What I do recall is the amazing soundtrack (composed by Kitaro) and breathtaking pictures of sweeping foreign landscapes beckoning to be explored ...

01 January 2016

Vaya Con Dios - Time Flies

Two songs in one day? Certainly not going to be the rule, but today ... Oh well, it's the first of the new year and weird stuff is to be expected. Like a call from a past so long ago that it was all but forgotten. Until that call, that is. As is so often the case with stirred up memories a song bursts forth from the recesses of my mind and starts playing. ... 
I had the opportunity to see/hear a life performance of Vaya Con Dios (the band, not the song of the same name).

Paul Simon - Under African Skies

... "these are the roots of rhythm and the roots of rhythm remain" ...
Paul Simon is a wonderful storyteller, and I've been following his music for quite a while. To get to know one of his songs has become a three stage process for me. Firstly, focusing on the lyrics until I feel well acquainted with the story; secondly, letting myself get caught in the melody and rhythm of the song; and lastly, bringing it all together: the words, the melody, and the rhythm, painting beautiful pictures for my mind's eye to enjoy.
Happy listening :)