The song 'Kristallnaach' (Kristallnacht) by BAP was released in 1982 and the title refers to the events that took place in the night of 9./10. September 1938. The song is written in the dialect of Cologne and the band's official website graciously offers not only the lyrics but also a 'High German' translation both of which are reproduced below. Additionally, I tried my hand (and mind) at cobbling together an English translation - it's not necessarily literal but to the best of my understanding should bring the point across. Of course, any corrections, comments and revisions are very welcome and greatly appreciated ~
... no Cavalry to save the day,Hope you opt to listen and to have a look at the lyrics -
No Zorro is there to take care
That one just pees a "Z" in the snow
And -babbling nonchalantly- topples over
"So what?"- Kristallnacht!
1) Et kütt vüür, dat ich mein, dat jet klirrt,
dat sich irjendjet en mich verirrt,
e Jeräusch, nit ens laut,
manchmol klirrt et vertraut,
selden su, dat mer et direk durchschaut.