03 February 2018

Roger Waters - Amused To Death

Strolling through the magical forests of the internet I stumbled over an article by Rina Marie Doctor in Tech Times which contemplated establishing a new geological epoch marked by the impact of human activity, the Anthropocene.
Fascinating! Have humanity’s footprints on our planet become so big that the instigated environmental changes exceed the natural development? I’m not a geologist so I’m uncomfortable to comment one way or another on the concept. It just made me wonder –again- about the carbon dioxide emissions which are increased thanks to humanity, and the eventual demise of our world: being swallowed by the sun when it is in its red giant stage.
Humanity will have left the stage long before that time and, perhaps, some alien anthropologists will have had the opportunity to investigate the remnants of our cultures

Amused to Death
Roger Waters

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